Sunday, May 24, 2015

Thursday, May 21, 2015

What's Outside the Range of Human Hearing?

Research indicates that most spirit communications are above the range of human hearing, and only become audible upon significantly lowering the pitch (between 20% - 30% pitch reduction) of the recorded audio.  Sometimes part of a complete sentence is outside the range of hearing, and only one or two word responses are heard or captured.  When selecting portions of the audio where communication is presumed to be absent, and reducing pitch, the missing portions of the communication become audible.  This is why recording the audio for editing before playback is essential during paranormal research.  Furthermore, the evidence suggests, when we hear one or two word responses when using a spirit box or similar device, and erroneously assume it is the complete communication, it is due to the limited range of human hearing.  Research  in this area is continuing, and changing the way we analyze the data. 

Monday, May 18, 2015

Crossing borders to reunite a granddaughter with her grandfather